
Oscar at 2

Oscar at 2

Monday, October 12, 2009

Still waiting

I feel like I have not been giving very many updates since I started this blog, but I feel like there is never anything really happening to talk about! If I had started the blog sooner I could have talked about the beginning parts when there were actually things to do, but I didn't start the blog until after we were on the waiting list.

I did call in for an update a couple of weeks ago and they seemed pretty confident that we would get a referral in November or early December. I have heard that things may start to move a little faster, but I haven't seen that yet. I am really hoping to see some referrals this week so that things look like they are moving along.

They are still in February for infant boys and November for infant girls. Our dossier was sent in April so we are still looking at waiting a little while longer!

Jackson and Olivia have been so great about the waiting. They talk about the adoption a lot, but seem to be content with waiting. They are probably waiting more patiently than their parents! Both of them really enjoy playing with younger siblings of friends and kids at church right now. I think they are practicing for when they have a new brother or sister to play with.

We are still debating names. It is a lot harder this time since Jackson and Olivia both think they get a vote in the name and none of the 4 of us really agree on the same names! I may have to put a poll on the blog to get some extra help!

Hopefully we will have some exciting news soon!

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About Me

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A bit about our family... My husband and I are both elementary school teachers. We met in college and have been married for 13 years. We have been living overseas for 7 years now and we are currently living near Tokyo, Japan.